
Best practices for deploying language models

June 1, 2022

Cohere, OpenAI, and AI21 Labs have developed a preliminary set of best practices applicable to any organization developing or deploying large language models.

Together, we’re recommending several key principles to help providers of large language models (LLMs) mitigate the risks of this technology in order to achieve its full promise to augment human capabilities.

While these principles were developed specifically based on our experience with providing LLMs through an API, we hope they will be useful regardless of release strategy (such as open-sourcing or use within a company). We expect these recommendations to change significantly over time because the commercial uses of LLMs and accompanying safety considerations are new and evolving. We are actively learning about and addressing LLM limitations and avenues for misuse, and will update these principles and practices in collaboration with the broader community over time.

We’re sharing these principles in hopes that other LLM providers may learn from and adopt them, and to advance public discussion on LLM development and deployment.

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