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Top Ten GenAI Enterprise Use Cases

March 28, 2024
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How do companies use Generative AI as a strategic tool for tackling real business challenges? Start with the problems today’s GenAI applications can solve. Scoping high-impact use cases helps overcome common roadblocks facing enterprise teams. It’s also a practical start for a smooth GenAI integration.

Generative AI is making waves across industries, promising a future brimming with creative possibilities and boosted productivity. But for many businesses, the path to implementation remains unclear. Building custom models requires significant data science expertise and multi-million dollar investments. Even utilizing pre-trained foundation models can be prohibitively complex for enterprises.

The Roadblock: Costly Training and Limited Expertise

Training a custom, all-encompassing enterprise AI model is a mammoth undertaking. It requires a hefty investment, specialized skills, and a mountain of data. This reality often leaves businesses feeling shut out from the generative AI revolution.

Recent surveys reveal staggering adoption barriers – less than half of major US corporations have the proper technology, talent and governance to implement AI. The result is a painful gap between AI interest and activation.

This gap highlights the need for ready-made solutions that allow enterprises across all industries to deploy generative AI seamlessly. Enter Task-Specific Models (TSMs), the champions of practicality that can unlock real value for your organization, today.

The Solution: Task-Specific Models – Focused Power at a Fraction of the Cost

Task-Specific Models (TSMs) are the perfect entry point for enterprise AI. These models are specialized derivatives of large language models (LLMs), developed and trained to excel at a particular natural language capability, like question answering or text summarization. These are like the "Swiss Army Knives" of Generative AI, designed to tackle specific enterprise challenges with laser focus.

This streamlined approach offers several advantages:

  • Out-of-the-box value
    Get started quickly with packaged solutions, and use flexible outputs that integrate seamlessly into your workflow.
  • Cost-Effectiveness
    Smaller models mean lower cost of ownership, while still guaranteeing exceptional, task-specific output.
  • Higher Accuracy
    Grounded, robust outputs within defined guardrails you can trust, minimizing costly errors and hallucinations.
  • Lower Latency
    Smaller footprint means faster response times, keeping your applications agile and efficient.

The future of AI is specialized

Now, let's see how Task-Specific Models can be put to work in your organization:

Contextual Answers: Focused Q&A for Business

Generative AI excels at creating vast amounts of content, but for enterprises, the focus is on getting accurate answers to specific questions. AI21's Contextual Answers TSM bridges this gap by harnessing the power of Generative AI alongside your organization's unique data and context.

Here's how Contextual Answers empowers businesses:

  • Trustworthy Answers
    Documents like policy manuals, FAQs, and knowledge base articles are uploaded to the model. This ensures answers are firmly grounded in verified information, eliminating concerns about unreliable sources or "hallucinations" often associated with generative models.
  • Transparency and Control
    Since the source material is readily identifiable, organizations can provide clear references alongside AI-generated answers. This transparency fosters trust among users and facilitates wider adoption of the system.

Use Case #1: Boosting Customer Service with Conversational AI

Imagine an AI-powered chatbot handling a significant portion of customer inquiries. Contextual Answers makes this a reality for B2C organizations. Here's how it streamlines customer service:

  • Reduced Costs and Increased Efficiency
    The model deflects a high volume of basic questions, freeing up human support staff for complex issues. This translates to significant cost savings and improved efficiency.
  • 24/7 Availability and Consistent Responses
    Customers receive prompt and consistent answers anytime, enhancing the overall customer experience.
  • Personalized Interactions
    Contextual Answers can be anonymized and equipped with complexity indicators. This allows the model to handle simpler issues while flagging more intricate cases that require human intervention.

Use Case #2: Automating Repetitive Helpdesk Tasks

Helpdesks often grapple with repetitive tasks, draining staff morale and productivity. Contextual Answers paired with AI21's Semantic Search TSM offers a powerful solution:

  • Identifying Repetitive Tickets
    The model analyzes customer queries, readily identifying common issues and repetitive tickets.
  • Efficient Responses Based on Internal Knowledge
    Once a request is understood, Contextual Answers leverages your organization's internal documents to craft an appropriate response. The phrasing itself is drawn from these documents, ensuring clear and relevant communication.

Use Case #3: Boost Due Diligence Efficiency

Uncover critical insights faster with AI-powered multi-document question answering. Leverage RAG technology to analyze vast amounts of data with exceptional accuracy.

  • Analyze vast amounts of data from internal documents and financial research.
  • Minimize human error and ensure factual accuracy in information gathering.
  • Expedite investment decisions by delegating information retrieval to AI, saving time and resources.

By harnessing the power of Contextual Answers, businesses can achieve a more efficient, cost-effective, and customer-centric approach to communication.

Use Case #4: Optimizing Product Development

Customer feedback and product usage data are often difficult to find during the design and development process. Contextual Answers can be integrated with customer support databases, product reviews, and user surveys to extract insights and identify customer needs.

  • Surfacing Hidden Insights
    Contextual Answers can highlight recurring issues and user frustrations buried within customer feedback, ensuring products address real user needs.
  • Facilitating Data-Driven Decisions
    Easier access to actionable insights enables data-driven product decisions, leading to faster iterations and shorter development cycles.
  • Enhancing Product-Market Fit
    With a deeper understanding of customer needs, products can be designed to better resonate with the target market, increasing the likelihood of success.

Summarization: Turning Information Overload into Actionable Insights

The ever-growing mountain of data facing businesses can be overwhelming. AI21’s Summarization model tackles this challenge by leveraging Generative AI to condense and analyze vast amounts of text. 

Here's how it empowers organizations:

  • Enhanced Customer Experience
    New customers can get up-to-speed faster by accessing clear summaries of key documents, streamlining onboarding and support processes.
  • Improved Customer Understanding
    Summarize customer feedback, including emails, reviews, and complaints, to identify recurring themes and pain points. This allows businesses to address customer concerns more effectively.
  • Increased Staff Productivity
    Empower your team to quickly review large volumes of documents. Summarization automates the process of extracting key information, saving valuable time for analysis and decision-making.

Use Case #5: Compliance Made Easier

Regulatory compliance in industries like finance often involves meticulously monitoring a vast amount of documentation. AI21's Summarization TSM can be trained on specific regulations and terminology. It then scans communications and documents, summarizing them to highlight critical information and potential compliance risks. This allows for faster and more efficient compliance reviews.

Use Case #6: Accelerated Research & Development

Extracting valuable insights from pharmacological databases and research papers can be a time-consuming process. The Summarization TSM tackles this challenge by summarizing complex documents at scale. Researchers can quickly identify the most relevant papers, saving them valuable time for in-depth analysis and leading to faster scientific breakthroughs.

Use Case #7: Streamlined Contract Review

Extracting key information from contracts is a tedious task, often handled by legal teams, sales professionals, and HR departments. The Summarization TSM automates this process by identifying and summarizing key points within contracts, flagging noteworthy documents, and even populating forms with relevant excerpts. This frees up valuable human resources for more strategic tasks.

Use Case #8: Clearer Business Communication

Legal documents are notorious for their complex language. The Summarization TSM, working in conjunction with AI21's Text Editing TSM, can simplify these documents by summarizing and paraphrasing key points. This allows stakeholders from different departments to understand the legal implications and provide informed feedback. This results in dramatically faster response times, which in turn can make the difference between deals won and lost. 

By transforming information overload into actionable insights, AI21's Summarization TSM empowers businesses to streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and make data-driven decisions faster.

Semantic Search: Unveiling the Hidden Meaning in Your Search

Imagine a search engine that understands not just your keywords, but the true intent behind your query. This is the power of Semantic Search, and AI21's Semantic Search TSM unlocks this potential for businesses.

Traditional search engines rely on keyword matching, often delivering frustratingly irrelevant results.  Semantic Search goes deeper, leveraging Generative AI to understand the meaning behind a search. This means:

  • Enhanced Customer Experience
    Customers get highly relevant results that match the context, not just the literal words used in their search. This translates to a more positive user experience and faster discovery of the information they need.
  • Improved Employee Productivity
    Employees can easily find the information they need, even if they don't know the exact keywords to use. This can save valuable time and boost overall productivity.

AI21's Semantic Search TSM utilizes your organization's uploaded documents, ensuring retrieved information is relevant and reliable. Since you own the data, copyright concerns are eliminated, and any questions about results can be easily addressed.

The model continuously learns and improves as users interact with it. By analyzing user behavior, the system refines its understanding of contextual relevance in relation to specific subject matters.

Use Case #9: Personalized Content Recommendations

Marketing teams can utilize Semantic Search to understand user intent behind content searches. This allows them to deliver targeted content that aligns with each user's stage in the buying journey, level of knowledge, and specific needs. This personalized approach can significantly improve conversion rates.

Use Case #10: Conversational Knowledge Management

Imagine a system where employees can access a wealth of organizational knowledge through natural language questions. AI21's Semantic Search TSM, working alongside Contextual Answers TSM, creates a knowledge base that allows employees to tap into a treasure trove of documents – like customer communications, meeting minutes, or due diligence information – just by asking a question. This empowers a collaborative and informed workforce.

By unlocking the true meaning behind searches, AI21's Semantic Search TSM empowers businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences, improve employee productivity, and leverage the power of their internal data.

Turn potential into value

While generative AI offers immense potential, expensive custom models have been a barrier for many enterprises. Task-Specific Models (TSMs) offer a powerful and accessible alternative.  These focused AI solutions tackle specific tasks like question answering, summarization, and search, delivering significant value without the hefty price tag or complex development process. TSMs empower businesses to streamline operations, unlock data insights, and make data-driven decisions faster, propelling them towards a competitive edge in the era of generative AI.

Speak to our experts to scope high-value AI applications - our team's extensive deployment experience can help you optimize genAI for real-world implementation.

Discover more

What is a MRKL system?

In August 2021 we released Jurassic-1, a 178B-parameter autoregressive language model. We’re thankful for the reception it got – over 10,000 developers signed up, and hundreds of commercial applications are in various stages of development. Mega models such as Jurassic-1, GPT-3 and others are indeed amazing, and open up exciting opportunities. But these models are also inherently limited. They can’t access your company database, don’t have access to current information (for example, latest COVID numbers or dollar-euro exchange rate), can’t reason (for example, their arithmetic capabilities don’t come close to that of an HP calculator from the 1970s), and are prohibitively expensive to update.
A MRKL system such as Jurassic-X enjoys all the advantages of mega language models, with none of these disadvantages. Here’s how it works.

Compositive multi-expert problem: the list of “Green energy companies” is routed to Wiki API, “last month” dates are extracted from the calendar and “share prices” from the database. The “largest increase“ is computed by the calculator and finally, the answer is formatted by the language model.

There are of course many details and challenges in making all this work - training the discrete experts, smoothing the interface between them and the neural network, routing among the different modules, and more. To get a deeper sense for MRKL systems, how they fit in the technology landscape, and some of the technical challenges in implementing them, see our MRKL paper. For a deeper technical look at how to handle one of the implementation challenges, namely avoiding model explosion, see our paper on leveraging frozen mega LMs.

A further look at the advantages of Jurassic-X

Even without diving into technical details, it’s easy to get a sense for the advantages of Jurassic-X. Here are some of the capabilities it offers, and how these can be used for practical applications.

Reading and updating your database in free language

Language models are closed boxes which you can use, but not change. However, in many practical cases you would want to use the power of a language model to analyze information you possess - the supplies in your store, your company’s payroll, the grades in your school and more. Jurassic-X can connect to your databases so that you can ‘talk’ to your data to explore what you need-  “Find the cheapest Shampoo that has a rosy smell”, “Which computing stock increased the most in the last week?” and more. Furthermore, our system also enables joining several databases, and has the ability to update your database using free language (see figure below).

Jurassic-X enables you to plug in YOUR company's database (inventories, salary sheets, etc.) and extract information using free language

AI-assisted text generation on current affairs

Language models can generate text, yet can not be used to create text on current affairs, because their vast knowledge (historic dates, world leaders and more) represents the world as it was when they were trained. This is clearly (and somewhat embarrassingly) demonstrated when three of the world’s leading language models (including our own Jurassic-1) still claim Donald Trump is the US president more than a year after Joe Biden was sworn into office.
Jurassic-X solves this problem by simply plugging into resources such as Wikidata, providing it with continuous access to up-to-date knowledge. This opens up a new avenue for AI-assisted text generation on current affairs.

Who is the president of the United States?

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Joe Biden
Joe Biden is the
46th and current
Jurassic-X can assist in text generation on up-to-date events by combining a powerful language model with access to Wikidata

Performing math operations

A 6 year old child learns math from rules, not only by memorizing examples. In contrast, language models are designed to learn from examples, and consequently are able to solve very basic math like 1-, 2-, and possibly 3- digit addition, but struggle with anything more complex. With increased training time, better data and larger models, the performance will improve, but will not reach the robustness of an HP calculator from the 1970s. Jurassic-X takes a different approach and calls upon a calculator whenever a math problem is identified by the router. The problem can be phrased in natural language and is converted by the language model to the format required by the calculator (numbers and math operations). The computation is performed and the answer is converted back into free language.
Importantly (see example below) the process is made transparent to the user by revealing the computation performed, thus increasing the trust in the system. In contrast, language models provide answers which might seem reasonable, but are wrong, making them impractical to use.

The company had 655400 shares which they divided equally among 94 employees. How many did each employee get?

94 employees.
Each employee got 7000 stocks
(No answer provided)
X= 655400/94
Jurassic-X can answer non-trivial math operations which are phrased in natural language, made possible by the combination of a language model and a calculator


Solving simple questions might require multiple steps, for example - “Do more people live in Tel Aviv or in Berlin?” requires answering: i. What is the population of Tel-Aviv? ii. What is the population of Berlin? iii. Which is larger? This is a highly non-trivial process for a language model, and language models fail to answer this question (see example). Moreover, the user can’t know the process leading to the answers, hence is unable to trust them. Jurassic-X can decompose such problems into the basic questions, route each to the relevant expert, and put together an answer in free language. Importantly, Jurassic-X not only provides the correct answer but also displays the steps taken to reach it, increasing the trust in the system.

Do more people live in Tel Aviv or in Berlin?

There are more people living in Tel Aviv than in Berlin.
Berlin and Tel Aviv are roughly the same size
(First hit is a comparison between Tel Aviv and Berlin)
More people live in Berlin than in Tel-Aviv

[‘Return population of Tel Aviv’; Return population of Berlin’; Return which is bigger between #1 and #2’]
Step 1: Population of Tel Aviv. Result - 451523.
Step 1: Population of Berlin. Result - 3664088.
Step 3: Which is bigger,  #1 or #2. Result - Berlin.

Jurassic-X breaks down compositional questions, answers the basic sub-questions, and puts together the answer. Importantly, this process is transparent to the user greatly increasing the trust in the system

Dynamic information (like weather and currency exchange rates)

Certain types of information change continuously - weather, currency exchange rates, share values and more. Such information will never be captured by language models, yet can easily be handled by Jurassic-X by integrating it with a reliable source of information. We performed a proof-of-concept on two such features - weather and currency exchange rates, and the design enables quick integration with more sources to solve your use-case.
Weather - a loosely phrased question about the weather elicits an answer from all language models, where language models always return the same answer, regardless of when the question was asked (funny, right?), while Jurassic-X provides an answer based on the actual weather prediction.

I’m going to be in New-York in 3 days. Should I pack my umbrella?

Yes, you should pack your umbrella.
Yes, you should. The weather forecast is rain.
(Links to weather websites)
Yes, you should pack your umbrella, because in New York in 3 days there will be broken clouds and the temperature will be -2 degrees.

Currency exchange rates change much faster than weather predictions, yet the Jurassic-X concept - a language model connected to a reliable source of information - easily solves this problem as well.

How much Moroccan money will I get for 100 bucks?

125 dirhams
100 moroccan dirhams is about 27$.
How much is 100 dollars in moroccan money?
100 dirhams = 10.75 dollars
100 USD = 934.003 MAD
Jurassic-X combines a language model with access to APIs with continuously changing information. This is demonstrated for weather forecasts and currency exchange rates, and can easily be extended to other information sources

Transparency and trust

Transparency is a critical element that is lacking in language models, preventing a much wider adoption of these models. This lack of transparency is demonstrated by the answers to the question - “Was Clinton ever elected as president of the United States?”. The answer, of course, depends on which Clinton you have in mind, which is only made clear by Jurassic-X that has a component for disambiguation. More examples of Jurassic-X’s transparency were demonstrated above - displaying the math operation performed to the user, and the answer to the simple sub-questions in the multi-step setting.

Was Clinton ever elected president of the United States?

No, Clinton was never elected as president of the United States.
Clinton was elected president in the 1992 presidential elections…
Bill Clinton was elected president.
Jurassic-X is designed to be more transparent by displaying which expert answered which part of the question, and by presenting the intermediate steps taken and not just the black-box response

Your Turn

That's it, you get the picture. The use cases above give you a sense for some things you could do with Jurassic-X, but now it's your turn. A MRKL system such as Jurassic-X is as flexible as your imagination. What do you want to accomplish? Contact us for early access

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